
#Current report 10/2010


Acquisition of related entity Bioenergia Invest sp. z o.o. in Dobre Miasto shares


Legal Act:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – Current and Interim Information


Contents of the report:


Referring to the current report 36/2009, the Management Board informs that on April 21, 2010 POL-MOT Warfama S.A. acquired from INVEST – MOT sp. z o.o. in Warsaw 162 shares of Bioenergia Invest sp. z o.o. for 172.675 PLN. The acquisition cost was established according § 5 clause 3 of the co-operation agreement from 2nd of February of 2009, that is the Issuer exercised the indefeasible and vested right of purchasing Bioenergia Invest sp. z o.o. shares on the basis of cooperation agreement with Invest-Mot sp. z o.o. Currently POL-MOT Warfama S.A. owns 4140 (51%) shares of Bioenergia Invest sp. z o.o. in Dobre Miasto, which ensures to hold 51% of votes in the General Shareholders’ Meeting.