
#Current report 13/2010


Convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders


Legal basis:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – Current and Interim Information


Contents of the report:

Pursuant to § 38 section 1 point 1 and § 100 section 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009, regarding current and interim information submitted by issuers of securities and the terms governing recognition of information required by the laws of a non-member state as equivalent information (Polish Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 33, item 259) the Management Board of POL–MOT Warfama S.A. informs on convening by the Company the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders on June 28th, 2010, 11:30 a.m. at the Company's seat in Dobre Miasto ul. Fabryczna 21.


At the OGM the Shareholders will review POL-MOT Warfama’s annual reports on the Company’s activities along with financial statements for 2009. Shareholders will also discuss their approval of the performance of POL-MOT Warfama’s Management and Supervisory Board members.


The shareholders will also decide the way of covering a loss for the year 2009.


The agenda of the forthcoming OGM of POL-MOT Warfama S.A. also includes a note regarding the appointment of the Supervisory Board on the new term of office.


The Management Board of POL-MOT Warfama on the basis of Art 4022 point 2-6 of the Corporate Code informs that the day of registration of the participation is 16 days before the Extraordinary General Meeting (June 12th, 2010)


*the full text is available only in Polish