
#Current report 14/2012

Current report 14/2012


Changing the Company name from POL-MOT Warfama SA to URSUS SA

Legal basis:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information.

Contents of the report:

Issuer's Management Board announces that on 4 June 2012 was notified that the District Court in Olsztyn VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register registered in the Register of Companies KRS (1 June 2012) the changes in the Articles of Association, including a change the company name from the current POL-MOT Warfama SA the new URSUS SA, approved by Resolution No. 22 of the Annual General Meeting from 30 May 2012.

Changing the name of the Company is another step in the development of the strongest brands on the Polish market in the agricultural industry enriching it with a significant Polish capital and superior European quality products. The issuer proudly continues the tradition of almost 120-year-old brand and ensure its sustainable development now and in the future.

The three last year's purchase agreement of the brand URSUS and name change confirms that the Issuer's management strategy is implemented consistently and brings measurable benefits to all shareholders of the Company. The former POL-MOT Warfama SA and now URSUS SA rapidly coming to be a leader in the industry sales of tractors and agricultural machines in Poland, and also continuously increased its share in foreign markets. Products of the Issuer, now URSUS SA, meet expectations and needs of all generations of farmers, combining great tradition, modernity and quality.


Due to the company name changes, the Issuer's Management Board forthwith report to the Board of the Stock Exchange in Warsaw the change of name under which the Issuer's shares are traded.

The company's Articles of Association with the changes available only in Polish