
#Current report 17/2009

The Subject:

The Annual General Meeting


Legal Act:

Article 56 Section 1 Point 2 “Ustawa o ofercie – informacje bieżące i okresowe”


Contents of the report:

The Management Board of POL-MOT Warfama S.A. with registered office in Dobre Miasto, ul. Fabryczna 21, acting in virtue of The Regulation of the Finance Minister, dated on 19th of February 2009, Art. 399, § 1 The Commercial Companies Code and The Articles of associations of POL-MOT Warfama S.A informs that Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held on 24th June, 2009 at the at 11 a.m. CET for the purpose of considering and voting upon the following agenda:


1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting and election of the Chairman of the AGM.

2. Statement of the proper convention of the Annual General Meeting and its capability to adopt resolutions.

3. According to needs – pick up the votes regarding elimination secrecy of appointing tellers.

4. Acceptance of the proposed agenda.

5. The Management Board’s presentation and processing of:

  a. The Company financial statement for the financial year 2008.

  b. The Management Board’s report on the Company activity in 2008.

  c. The Capital Group financial statement for the financial year 2008.

  d. The consolidated financial statement for the financial year 2008.

  e. The Supervisory Board’s motion on covering the loss for 2008.

  f. The Supervisory Board’s presentation and processing of the Supervisory. Board’s activity report in 2008 and the Supervisory Board’s report on the audit of the documents   mentioned in a, b, c, d, and e with assessment of the Company’s situation.

6. Adopting resolution on approval of the:

  a. The Management Board’s report on the Company’s activity in 2008

  b. The Company financial statement for the financial year 2008.

  c. The report on the Capital Group’s activity in 2008

  d. The consolidated financial statement for the financial year 2008.

  e. The coverage of the Company’s loss for 2008.

  f. Release from liability of the members of the Management Board for their management tasks during the financial year 2008

  g. Release from liability of the members of the Supervisory Board for their supervisory tasks during the financial year 2008

7. The election of the Members of the Supervisory Board.

8. Closing the agenda.


According to the Art 406 § 3 of the Commercial Companies Code, Shareholders who wish to take part in the Annual General Meeting need to arrange with their respective financial intermediary holding the shares on their accounts for the certificate certifying the number of shares recorded in the relevant account in the name of the relevant shareholder and send directly to the registered office of the Company POL–MOT Warfama S.A., 11-040 Dobre Miasto, ul. Fabryczna 21 no later than week before the AGM that is June 17, 2009 (to 15:00) This certificate shall be blocked until closing the Annual General Meeting in case of any adjournment thereof. Such Certificate must clearly indicate the precise identity of the shareholder, the number of shares being blocked. Shareholders may participate and vote in the Meeting in person or by proxy (appointing a proxy requires writing form under clause of nullity). According to Art 407 of the Commercial Companies Code, the list of entitled Shareholders signed by the Management Board, with the names, address, number, the type of share and the amount of voting rights would be available in the registered office of the Company in Dobre Miasto, ul. Fabryczna 21, for 3 working days before the Annual General Meeting.