
#Current report 18/2014

Current report no. 18/2014 (23.05.2014)         


Conclusion of credit agreement with mBank S.A.

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodical information


The Issuer’s Management Board informs that on the 23 May 2014 the Issuer was informed about signing by URSUS S.A. and mBank S.A. with the seat in Warsaw of an investment credit agreement in the amount of 3.304.026,67 PLN.

The financial means from the credit will be used for payment of the investment credit of the Issuer in the bank BZ WBK S.A., of which the Issuer informed in the current report no. 21/2010.

According to the agreement, the interest rate on the credit is variable and fixed on the basis of WIBOR rate for 1-month deposits, increased by the Bank’s margin. The credit shall be repaid in 40 monthly installments and the final repayment date is 29.09.2017.

The guarantee of the Bank’s receivables from the above agreement is the contractual mortgage established on the Issuer’s real estate in Lublin.

The other terms of the agreement do not differ from the standard terms commonly used in credit agreements.

The legal basis of the present report is §5 sec.1 point 1 and point 3 in connection with § 7 and 9 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 regarding current and interim reports published by issuers of securities and the terms of finding as equivalent the information required under the laws of any non-member state (Journal of Laws, 2009 No 33, point 259 with subsequent changes).