
#Current report 18/2017

Current report no. 18/2017 (16.05.2017)


Supplement to the Current Report no. 16/2017 entitled “Increase the share capital of the Company within the authorized capital (resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 2015) and subscription of the Company’s shares”

Legal basis:

Art. 17 sec. 1 Market Abuse Regulation


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. in addition to the Current report no. 16/2017 of the 16th May 2017 informs that the entities which acquired the R series shares described in the above-mentioned report are the companies POL-MOT Auto S.A. (KRS no. 396018) and Invest-Mot sp. z o.o. (KRS no. 15858), i.e. companies from the group of POL-MOT Holding S.A. that is the main shareholder of URSUS S.A. The Management Board decided to offer the R series shares to the above-mentioned companies, among others having regard to the fact that they are interested in long-term presence in the structure of shareholders of Ursus S.A. and grant the ownership stabilization, guaranteeing a dynamic development of the Company and implementation of the assumed strategy.

After registration of the share capital increase described in the Current report no. 16/2017, the group POL-MOT Holding S.A. will have 50,0659 % votes at the General Meeting of URSUS S.A., of which the Issuer will inform in detail after such registration is made.