
#Current report 2/2017

Current report 2/2017   (13.01.2017)


Resignation of the Company’s proxy

Legal basis:

Art. 17 sec. 1 Market Abuse Regulation


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby informs that on the 12 January 2017 Mrs Joanna Lisowska – Janowska (Manager of the Organization and Management Unit in URSUS S.A.) resigned from the post of the proxy in URSUS S.A. (joint power of attorney). The reason of resignation from the post of the proxy is appointment of Mrs Joanna Lisowska – Janowska to another post in the Capital Group URSUS. The current position of Mrs Joanna Lisowska – Janowska in the Company, ie. Manager of the Organization and Management Unit, remains unchanged.