
#Current report 2/2018

Current report no. 2/2018 (11.01.2018)


Notice of selection of the offer of the Consortium URSUS BUS

Legal basis:

Art. 17 sec. 1 Market Abuse Regulation


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby informs that on the 10th January 2018 the Company received a notification of selection of the offer of the Consortium URSUS BUS, composed of URSUS BUS S.A. and the Issuer, in the open tender for delivery of 5 new urban low-floor electric buses, complying with the requirements set out in the point III.9. of the Terms of Reference called single-element buses, no. pn/01/2017, organized by PKM Katowice sp. z o. o. Justifying its choice, the Ordering Party indicated that the selected offer presents the most advantageous balance of evaluation criteria, i.e. the offer price and the technical and running qualities.

The gross value of the offer for is 10 335 720,75 PLN.

The deliveries will be executed in 2018.

Two offers were submitted in the tender, the parties are entitled to judicial redress in the National Chamber of Appeal. The Company will inform about conclusion of the contract in a separate current report. The reason of publication of this information is the fact that in the Management Board’s opinion it can impact the evaluation of the potential of the Issuer and its capital group, as well as its current situation.