
#Current report 20/2017

Current report no. 20/2017 (30.05.2017)


Notice on exceeding the threshold of 5% of the total votes at the Issuer’s General Meeting

Legal basis:

Art. 70 section 1 of the Act on Public Offering – acquisition or transfer of a significant block of shares


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. (Issuer) on the basis of the Art. 70 section 1 of the of the Act of Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies dated 29 July 2005 (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1639, as amended, hereinafter referred to as „the Act”) hereby informs that on the 30th May 2017 received from POL-MOT Auto S.A. (KRS no. 0000396018) a notice dated the 29th May 2017 on exceeding the threshold of 5% of the total votes in the Issuer’s share capital, reading as follows:

„The company POL-MOT Auto S.A. with the seat in Warsaw, ul. Połczyńska 125, 01-303 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (KRS) kept by the District Court District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000396018, share capital 41.500.000 PLN (fully paid), REGON: 011273778, NIP: 1180089082 (hereinafter referred to as the Company), according to the art. 69 sec. 1 point 1 of the of the Act of Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies dated 29 July 2005 (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1639, as amended, hereinafter referred to as „the Act”), hereby informs that the Company on the 29th May 2017 exceeded 5% of the total votes in the company under the name of URSUS S.A. in Lublin, in connection with acquisition and purchase of 3 000 000 ordinary bearer shares of R series in the share capital of URSUS S.A. and entitling to 3 000 000 votes representing 5,069 % votes in the total number of votes at the general meeting of URSUS S.A. The above-mentioned acquisition and purchase took place in connection with registration by the Court of the increase of the share capital of URSUS S.A. carried out under the authorization granted to the Management Board according to § 7 b of the Company’s Articles of Association (increase of the share capital within authorized capital) and according to the resolution of the Management Board of the 16th May 2017. Before the purchase of shares described above, POL-MOT Auto S.A. did not hold shares in the share capital of URSUS S.A.

There are no subsidiaries of POL-MOT Auto S.A. holding shares of URSUS S.A., POL-MOT Auto S.A. is not party to any agreement, whose subject is or can be transfer of the right to exercise the voting right (art. 87 sec. 1 point 3 letter c of the Act).”