
#Current report 23/2011

Current report 23/2011


Appointing new member of POL-MOT Warfama S.A. Supervisory Board

Legal basis:

Article 56 section 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodic information

Contents of the report:

Pursuant to § 5 section 1 point 22 in conjunction with § 28 of the Minister of Finance Regulation of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic reporting by issuers of securities and the rules of equal treatment of the information required by the laws of non-member states (Journal of Laws of 2009 No. 33, item 259, later amended) the Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A. informs that during the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders hold on 30th June of 2011, Mr. Zbigniew Nita was appointed (with effect from August 1, 2011) to the position of the member of Supervisory Board (Resolution no. 20/2011).

After changes madein the Annual General Meeting the Supervisory Board of POL - MOT Warfama SA from August 1, 2011, will be as follows:

1. Andrzej Zarajczyk – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

2. Paweł Gilewski – Member of the Supervisory Board,

3. Henryk Goryszewski – Member of the Supervisory Board,

4. Zbigniew Janas – Member of the Supervisory Board,

5. Michał Szwonder – Member of the Supervisory Board,

6. Zbigniew Nita – Member of the Supervisory Board.


Until July 31, 2011,the Supervisory Board of the Issuer consists of the following persons:

1. Andrzej Zarajczyk – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

2. Ryszard Mrozek – Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

3. Paweł Gilewski – Member of the Supervisory Board,

4. Henryk Goryszewski – Member of the Supervisory Board,

5. Zbigniew Janas – Member of the Supervisory Board,

6. Michał Szwonder – Member of the Supervisory Board,



Zbigniew Nita – The Member of the Supervisory Board


Zbigniew Nita graduated from Warsaw Universityof Technology (1967-1973), Department of MechanicalandTechnological, with master's degreein mechanical engineering. In 1985 he received the Ph.D. degree (doctor’s degree) in the field of mechanics.


1973 – 1974 Warsaw Universityof Technology, Institute of Technical Mechanics – assistant lecturer, trainee

1974 – 1976  Warsaw Universityof Technology, Institute of Technical Mechanics – assistant lecturer

1976 – 1983 Warsaw Universityof Technology, Institute of Technical Mechanics – senior assistant lecturer

1983 – 1991 Warsaw Universityof Technology, Institute of Technical Mechanics –lecturer

1991 – (now)  Warsaw Universityof Technology, The Institute of Mechanics and Structures – lecturer

1991 – 2008 Warsaw Universityof Technology, The Institute of Mechanics and Structures –Vice-director for teaching

2008 – (now) Warsaw Universityof Technology, The Institute of Mechanics and Printing –Vice-director for teaching

04.1997 – 12.1997 Undersecretary of Statein the Ministryof Economy

09.2002 – 02.2007 Bumar Sp. z o.o. Vice-President of the Management Board

Over the past5 years Mr. Zbigniew Nita held the following functions in administrative, management or supervisory bodies:

2004 – 2006 Member of the Supervisory Board PHS S.A.; MITAL STEEL POLAND S.A.

2005 – 2007 Member of the Supervisory Board – Chairman of the Supervisory Board CNPEP RADWAR S.A.

Mr. Zbigniew Nita doesn’t run a business in other competitive company, either isn’t partner of capital companies or partnerships. There have been no records concerning Mr. Zbigniew Nita in the Registry of Insolvent Debtors, kept on the basis of the Act on the National Court Registry.