
#Current report 28/2009

The Subject:

The list of entitled shareholders on the Extraordinary General Meeting


Legal Basis:

Article 70 Point 3 “Ustawa o ofercie”


Contents of the report:

According to Art. 70 Point 2 of the Regulation of public offerings of shares, conditions of turnover of financial instruments and public companies, dated on 29 July, 2005, the Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A. with registered seat in Dobre Miasto presents the list of shareholders entitled to participation on the Extraordinary General Meeting on 31 June 2009.

1. POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. in Warsaw –13.065.000 ordinary shares, entitled to 13.065.000 votes on General Meeting, which equals 58,9044 percent of total amount of votes.