
#Current report 28/2012



Current Report 28/2012


Information on the Issue Price of the Offered Shares and the final number of the Offered Shares, offered in the Offer and relation of pre-emptive right

Legal Basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering – confidential information

Contents of the report:

The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby announces that on 8 November 2012 he adopted a resolution concerning definition of the issue price of the ordinary bearer shares N series, issued on the basis of the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of URSUS S.A. no. 4/2012 of 31 September 2012 („Issue Resolution”).

The Issue Price was agreed at the level of 2,00 PLN.

Besides, the Management Board of URSUS S.A. defined the final sum of the increased with the Issue Resolution share capital of the Company for the amount of 4.000.000 (in words: four millions) PLN, through issuance of 4.000.000 (in words: four millions) new ordinary bearer shares N series, of nominal value of 1 (in words: one) PLN per share.

In relation to the above, the final number of the Offered Shares within the Offer covered by the Issue Prospectus of the Company approved by the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority on 29 October 2012 was agreed to 4.000.000 (in words: four millions) new ordinary bearer shares N series.

Consequently, the relation of the Rights Issue of the Offered Shares. i.e. number (fraction of a number) of Shares N Series, which can be subscribed with one pre-emptive right (and subscription of non integer number of Shares of N Series is impossible), amounts to 0,18034265103697.

According to the Issue Resolution, the Day of Pre-Emptive right is 16 November 2012 .

The notions written with capital letters in this message are defined in the Prospectus in the section 23 „Definitions and Abbreviations”.

Legal grounds: Art. 56 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies – confidential information.