
#Current report 29/2012


Current Report 29/2012


Change of the name of the subsidiary with the seat on Balkans to URSUS d.o.o.

Legal Basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act on Offering – confidential information

Contents of the report:

The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby announces that on 7 November 2012 he became aware that on 6 November 2012 the District Court in Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) registered the change the name of the subsidiary of the Issuer with the seat in Bijeljina from Fabrika Traktora d.o.o. to URSUS d.o.o.

The Issuer informed about the resolution concerning the change of the name of the above-mentioned company in the current report no. 26/2012 of 10 October 2012.

With reference to the change of the subsidiary’s name, now in the capital group of the Issuer is included the company URSUS d.o.o. Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina).