
#Current report 30/2011

Current report 30/2011


Notice of change in the number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders

Legal basis:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – Current and Interim Information

Contents of the report:

According to Art. 70 point 1 in fine of the Regulation of public offerings of shares, conditions of turnover of financial instruments and public companies, dated on 29 July, 2009 (Polish Journal of Laws , No. 184, item 1539 with subsequent amendments) the Executive Board of the Issuer (POL-MOT Warfama SA) announces that IPOPEMA TFI SA in Warsaw on behalf of their managed funds, informed the Issuer about sold shares made on 6 September 2011, which resulted in decreased participation of total share of investment funds managed by the IPOPEMA TFI in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders below a threshold of 5%.

Before the transaction, the investment funds managed by the IPOPEMA TFI had 1.115.453 Issuer’s shares, representing 5.03% of the share capital, assured 1.115.453 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders and constitute 5.03% of the total numbers of votes.

After the transaction, the investment funds managed by the IPOPEMA TFI holds 1.088.243 Issuer’s shares, which constitute 4.91% of the share capital, assured 1.088.243 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders, which represents 4.91% of the total number votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders.