
#Current report 30/2012


Current Report 30/2012


Disposal and acquisition of the Issuer’s shares by the dominant company

Legal Basis:

Art. 70 point 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005 on Public Offers and Conditions of Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading System and on Public Companies

Contents of the report:

The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby announces that on 23 November 2012 he received from the dominant company POL-MOT HOLDING S.A notifications submitted in compliance with the art. 69 sec. 2 point 2 Act of July 29, 2005 on Public Offers and Conditions of Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading System and on Public Companies (Journal of. Laws of 2009, No. 185, Item 1439 with subsequent changes). In the notifications, POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. informed about execution on 20 and 21 November 2012 of two transactions of disposal and two transactions of acquisition of 1.100.000 shares of  URSUS S.A. constituting 4,96% of the company’s share capital, entitling to 1.100.000 votes during the Issuer’s General Meeting, which constitutes 4,96% of the general number of votes during the Issuer’s General Meeting. The transactions were concluded with the company POL-MOT AUTO S.A. (being subsidiary of POL-MOT HOLDING S.A.) at prices existing on the regulated market.

Before execution of these transactions, POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. held 13.732.242 shares of URSUS S.A. constituting 61,91% of the Issuer’s share capital, entitling to 13.732.242 votes during the Issuer’s General Meeting, which amount to 61,91% of the general number of votes during the Issuer’s General Meeting. After execution of these transactions, the share of POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. in the share capital of URSUS S.A. and the number of votes at the Issuer’s General Meeting have not changed.

The last time when the Company informed about a change in the number of votes at the General Meeting was on 3 September 2012 with the current report no. 24/2012, while the last change in the number of votes at the General Meeting executed by the dominant company was described in the current report no. 18/2009 dated 1 June 2009.