
#Current report 30/2015

Current report no.  30/2015


Subsidy for URSUS S.A. from NCBiR

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering  - Confidential information


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby informs that on the 22 September 2015 the Issuer was notified about completion of the substantive appraisal by the National Research and Development Centre (NCBiR) of the projects submitted within the competition 1/1.1.2/2015 Measure 1.1. „R&D projects of enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.2 „R&D activities related to construction of a pilot/ demonstration installation” under the Operational Programme Development Smart Growth 2014-2020.

According to the appraisal results published by NCBiR, the Issuer’s project entitled „Development of  an innovative, universal construction of drive systems to agricultural tractors” was placed on the 10th position of the list of 15 projects of large enterprises recommended for a subsidy in the above-mentioned competition.

The main objective of the project is development and use in URSUS tractors of a new, innovative construction of drive system. Transmission is the most important mechanical system of every tractor and its durability and effective operation determine possibilities of use of agricultural machine. The project’s result will be production and sales of an innovative transmission used in construction of the own agricultural tractors, as well as distributed to the other world’s manufacturers. Thanks to such a solution the company URSUS S.A. as the only Polish company will join the elite group of producers of transmissions to agricultural tractors. As a result of development work of this construction the company will introduce production of tractors of the power range 100 - 180 HP.

The total cost of the project of URSUS S.A. will amount to 28.283.873,37 zł, while the amount of requested cofinancing is 11.313.549,35 zł.  

The information about conclusion of a cofinancing agreement will be published in a current report immediately after its signature.