
#Current report 31/2013

Current report no. 31/2013


Conclusion of the annex to the credit agreement with BRE Bank S.A.

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point  2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodical information


The Management Board of the Issuer hereby announces that on 21 November 2013 URSUS S.A. concluded with BRE Bank S.A. with the seat in Warsaw the annex to the Agreement of cooperation of 24 November 2011, of which the Issuer informed in the current report no.  34/2011, with subsequent changes. According to the provisions of the concluded annex, the duration of the agreement was extended till 21.11.2014.

Besides, the Parties concluded agreements extending the duration of the credit agreements concluded within the Agreement of cooperation: 

- working capital credit agreement within the line for financing the current activity in the amount of 3.000.000 PLN, the duration of which was extended till 21.11.2014,

- working capital credit agreement within the line for financing the current activity in the amount of 600.000 EUR, the duration of which was extended till 21.11.2014,

- multicurrency overdraft facility agreement within the line for financing the current activity in the amount not exceeding 11 000 000 PLN, the duration of which was extended till 21.11.2014.

Moreover, the Parties concluded the Annex to the Agreement on mortgage registration of 24.11.2011, extending the term of repayment till 21.11.2014.

The other provisions of the above mentioned credit agreements, including the types of security,  remain unchanged.

The legal basis of the present report is §5 sec.1 point 1 and point 3 in connection with §9 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 regarding current and interim reports published by issuers of securities and the terms of finding as equivalent the information required under the laws of any non-member state (Journal of Laws, 2009 No 33, point 259 with subsequent changes).