
#Current report 34/2014

Current report no.  34/2014 (31.07.2014)


Acquisition of 2,8 mln shares and increase of the share capital 

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodical information


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. announces that in relation with offering by the Issuer on 1st July 2014 the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw as an authorized entity of 15 000 000 subscription warrants of the series 1. of the Company, issued on the basis of the resolution no. 24/2014 of the Ordinary General Meeting of 26 May 2014, entitling to acquisition of  15 000 000 (say: fifteen million) of O series ordinary bearer shares („O Series Shares”), with the nominal value of  1 (one) PLN per share, at the issue price 2 PLN (say: two PLN) in the period from the day of acquisition of the subscription warrants of the series 1. till the 31st May 2015 and in relation with acquisition by the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. of 15 000 000 subscription warrants of the series 1. of the Company and issuing by the Issuer three global registered certificates for 15 000 000 subscription warrants of the series 1. with no. from 00 000 001 to 15 000 000 (current report no. 28/2014), on the 30th July 2014 the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw submitted a declaration of the exercise of the right of acquisition of 2 800 000 of O series shares of the company URSUS S.A. with the seat in Lublin, the above-mentioned shares has been fully paid up.

In relation with covering by POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw of 2 800 000 of O series ordinary bearer shares from no. 10600001 to 13400000 with the nominal value of 1 (one) PLN per share, at  the issue price 2 PLN (say: two PLN), The Management Board of the Issuer issued to the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. 2.800.000 (two million eight hundred thousand) of O series shares and as a result the share capital of the Issuer has been increased by the amount of 2 800 000 PLN.

After today’s operations the share capital of URSUS S.A. is 39.580.000 PLN, is fully paid up and is divided into 26 180 000 dematerialized shares and 13 400 000 shares in a document form.

Now POL-MOT HOLDING S.A., after the above transaction, on its own holds 14.700.000 shares of  URSUS S.A. which represents 37,14% of the Issuer’s share capital and entitles to 14.700.000  votes  at the General Meeting of the Issuer, what represents 37,14% of the total number of votes at the Issuer’s General Meeting, while together with its subsidiary - the company Aquarius VII limited liability company SPV IX joint-stock limited partnership (the new name of the company is: Reo limited liability company Inwestycje S.K.A.) holds in total 20.329.000 shares of URSUS S.A. representing 51,36%  of the Issuer’s share capital and entitling to 20.329.000 votes  at the General Meeting of the Issuer, what represents 51,36% of the total number of votes at the Issuer’s General Meeting.