
#Current report 35/2009


 Appointing Members of POL-MOT Warfama S.A. Supervisory Board


Legal Act:

Article 56 Section 1 Point 2 “Ustawa o ofercie – informacje bieżące i okresowe”


Contents of the report:

Completing the current report 24/2009 from 25th June of 2009, on the basis of § 5 section 1 point 22 in connection with § 28 of the Regulation of the Finance Minister, dated 19th February of 2009 on current and periodic disclosures to be made by issuers of securities (Polish Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 33, item 259) the Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A. informs that the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders hold on 24th June of 2009 appointed new members of Supervisory Board i.e.: Andrzej Zarajczyk, Ryszard Mrozek, Michał Szwonder, Henryk Goryszewski, Zbigniew Janas, Paweł Gilewski.


Short curriculum vitae of The Members of the Supervisory Board’s

Andrzej Zarajczyk – The Chairman of the Supervisory Board


1971 – 1972 Prasowe Zakłady Graficzne,

1972 – 1977 Central Statistical Office,

1977 – 1982 Foreign Trade of Automotive Industry Branch Office POL-MOT ,

1982 – 1986 Foreign Trade of Automotive Industry Branch Office POL-MOT in Belgrade,

1986 – 1987 POL-MOT sp. z o.o. – Sales Manager, Deputy manager of Utility Vehicle Department,

1988 – 1989 POL-MOT sp. z o.o. – Member of Management Board, Manager of Utility Vehicle Department,

1989 – 1997 POL-MOT sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Management Board – Chief executive,

1997 – (now) POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. – Chairman of the Management Board, Chief executive,

2004 – (now) The Employers' association LEWIATAN – Chairman,

1996 – (now) Koźmiński University – Member of the Board of Trustees,

1989 – (now) Polish – Balkan Chamber of Commerce and Industry –Chairman of Management Board.

At last 5 years Mr Andrzej Zarajczyk exercised following duties in administrative, executive or supervising bodies:

2000 – 2004 Belvedere-Bielany sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

1997 – 2006 Belvedere-Dom sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

1997 – 2004 Legia Warszawa S.A. (earlier: Legia DEAWOO S.S.A.) – Chairman/Member of the Supervisory Board,

2000 – 2004 POL-MOT Escorts sp. z o.o. –Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

1997 – 2006 POL-MOT TUR S.A. (earlier: POL-MOT Mrągowo S.A.) – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

1994 – 2006 POL-MOT Agro S.A. (earlier: POL-MOT Trading S.A.) – The Chairman/Member of the Supervisory Board,

1995 – 2009 ITAL-MOT sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

2000 – 2009 Belvedere Marki sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

2004 – 2009 FMR POL-MOT Opalenica – Chairman of the Supervisory Board.



From 1992 INVEST – MOT Spółka z o.o. – President of the Management Board,

From 1997 POL-MOT WARFAMA S.A. – Chairman/Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board,

From 1997 POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. – President of the Management Board,

From 2001 POL-MOT d.o.o., Lovran –President of The Management Board,

From 2006 POL-MOT AUTO sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

From 2009 Konsorcjum Brokerów Ubezpieczeniowo-finansowych General Brokers sp. z o.o. – Member of the Supervisory Board,

From 2006 POL-MOT Rail sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board.




From 1995 INVEST – MOT sp. z o.o.,

Besides above mentioned, Mr Andrzej Zarajczyk hasn’t been the member of administrative, managing or supervising bodies, either partner of capital companies or partnerships at last 5 years.

According to applied statement, Mr Andrzej Zarajczyk:

• Doesn’t run a business beside Issuer company, which is of importance for Issuer, with the exception of non-competitive activity of the President of The Management Board of INVEST-MOT sp. z o.o. and the President of the Management Board of POL-MOT Holding S.A.

• Isn’t entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.


Ryszard Mrozek – The Vice - Chairman of the Supervisory Board


1971 – 1976 Przedsiębiorstwo Handlu Odzieżą Otex in Poznań,

1976 – 1982 Krajowy Związek Poligraficznych Spółdzielni Pracy in Poznań,

1982 – 1990 Laboratorium Odzieżowe Spółdzielnia Pracy in Poznań – President of the Management Board,

1990 – 1994 Fabryka Maszyn Rolniczych Agromet in Opalenica – Chief accountant,

1994 – 1995 Pozbac Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Paszowego S.A. in Poznań – Member of the Management board, chief accountant,

1996 – 2006 Fabryka Maszyn Rolniczych POL-MOT Opalenica sp. z o.o. – CEO, chief accountant, President of the Management board

2006 –( now) POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. in Warsaw – Proxy of the president of management board.

At last 5 years Mr Ryszard Mrozek exercised following duties in administrative, executive or supervising bodies:

1997 – 2006 Fabryka Maszyn Rolniczych POL-MOT Opalenica sp. z o.o. – President of the Management Board,

2006 – 2009 Vice President of the Supervisory Board of Fabryki Maszyn Rolniczych POL MOT Opalenica sp. z o.o.

Besides above mentioned and Vice President of the Supervisory Board in Pol-Mot Warfama S.A. (from 2007), Mr Ryszard Mrozek hasn’t been the member of administrative, managing or supervising bodies, either partner of capital companies or partnerships at last 5 years.

According to applied statement, Mr. Ryszard Mrozek:

• Doesn’t run a business beside Issuer company, which is of importance for Issuer, with the exception of non-competitive activity in POL-MOT Holding S.A.

• Isn’t entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.


Henryk Goryszewski – The Memeber of the Supervisory Board


1963 – 1964 Dyrekcja Okręgowa Kolei Państwowych in Warsaw,

1965 – 1967 Dyrekcja Okręgowa Kolei Państwowych in Warsaw,

1968 – 1972 The Ministry of Transport – Biuro Taryf PKP,

1972 – 1977 The Ministry of Transport – Centralny Zarząd Handlowo-Przewozowy,

1978 – 1989 PKP Ośrodek Badawczy Ekonomiki Transportu,

1978 – 1992 Warsaw University,– lecturer,

1996 – 1999 Wyższa Szkoła Służby Społecznej im. Ks. Blachnickiego w Suwałkach,

1999 – (now) Paweł Włodkowica Higher School in Płock,

1991 – 1993 representative in the Parliament I cadence,

1997 – 2001 representative in the Parliament III cadence,

1992 – 1993 Deputy Prime Minister, 1994 – 1995 The Office of the President of the Republic of Poland ,

1994 – 2006 The own lawyer's chambers,

2006 – (now) Counsel’s Chambers -Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów H. Goryszewski i Partnerzy Spółka Partnerska.

Henryk Goryszewski is member of the Supervisory Board of POL-MOT WARFAMA S.A. (from 2007) and POL-MOT Rail sp. z o.o. (from 2007). Henryk Goryszewski holds shares in exchange companies and his shares don’t exceed 5% of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Besides above mentioned, Mr Henryk Goryszewski hasn’t been the member of administrative, managing or supervising bodies, either partner of capital companies or partnerships at last 5 years.

According to applied statement, Mr. Ryszard Mrozek:

• Doesn’t run a business beside Issuer company, which is of importance for Issuer, with the exception of non-competitive activity of legal advisor.

• Isn’t entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.


Zbigniew Piotr Janas – The Member of the Supervisory Board


1974 – 1978 Elektrowozownia Warszawa Ochota,

1978 – 1981 Zakłady Przemysłu Ciągnikowego URSUS,

1986 – 1989 Spółdzielnia Pracy UNICUM,

1988 – 1989 LORAN CKM spółka z o.o.,

1989 – 2001 Representative in the Parliament,

2002 – (now) Zbigniew Janas Konsultacje Doradztwo.

Mr Zbigniew Piotr Janas performs following duties in administrative, managing and supervisory bodies: from 2007 POL-MOT WARFAMA S.A. – Member of The Supervisory Board, from 2003 RADPOL S.A. – Member/Secretary/Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Besides above mentioned, Mr Zbigniew Piotr Janas hasn’t been the member of administrative, managing or supervising bodies, either partner of capital companies or partnerships at last 5 years.

According to applied statement, Mr. Zbigniew Piotr Janas:

• Doesn’t run a business beside Issuer company, which is of importance for Issuer, with the exception of non-competitive activity of Zbigniew Janas Konsultacje Doradztwo.

• Isn’t entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.


Paweł Gilewski – The Member of the Supervisory Board


1992 – 1993 Maxon sp. z o.o,

1993 – 1997 POL-MOT HOLDING S.A.,

1994 – 1997 INVEST-MOT sp. z o.o,

1997 – 1998 Bausparkasse Schwabische Hall AG department In Poland – financial director,

1999 – 2003 INVEST-MOT sp. z o.o. ,

1998 – (now) POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. – deputy CEO.

Duties in administrative, managing and supervisory bodies at last 5 years:

2003 – 2004 Reo Spółka z o.o. – the President of the Management Board,

1999 – 2004 Universum Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. – Member of the Supervisory Board,

1998 – 2009 Timex S.A. – Member of the Supervisory Board. Paweł Gilewski is member of the Supervisory Board of POL-MOT WARFAMA S.A. (from 2007) and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bioenergia-Invest sp. z o.o. (from 2009).

Mr Paweł Gilewski holds shares in exchange companies, which don’t exceed 5% of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Besides above mentioned, Mr Paweł Gilewski hasn’t been the member of administrative, managing or supervising bodies, either partner of capital companies or partnerships at last 5 years.

According to applied statement, Mr. Paweł Gilewski:

• Doesn’t run a business beside Issuer company, which is of importance for Issuer, with the exception of non-competitive activity at POL-MOT HOLDING S.A..

• Isn’t entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court.


Michał Szwonder – the Member of the Supervisory Board


1994 – 1997 FSO S.A. – Monitoring and Planning Department, Biuro Technologa Zakładu Produkcji Silnika,

1998 – 1999 Zasada S.A. – Biuro Strategii i Rozwoju, Dział Nadzoru Właścicielskiego, Biuro Sterowania Importem,

2000 – (now) POL-MOT HOLDING S.A.

Duties in administrative, managing and supervisory bodies at last 5 years:

2000 – 2004 POL-MOT Escorts sp. z o.o. – Member of the Supervisory Board,

2005 – 2006 POL-MOT Car Spółka z o.o. – Member of the Supervisory Board,

2002 – 2004 Zakłady Motoryzacyjne IZAMOT sp. z o.o. – Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board, Member of the Supervisory Board,

2003 – 2006 Felgex sp. z o.o. – Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board, Member of the Supervisory Board,

2004 – 2009 ITAL-MOT sp. z o.o. – Member of the Supervisory Board,

2001 – 2007 POL-MOT ZEM S.A. – Member of the Supervisory Board.

Mr Michał Szwonder performs following duties in administrative, managing and supervisory bodies:

From 2007 POL-MOT WARFAMA S.A. – Member of the Supervisory Board,

From 2005 POL-MOT AUTO sp. z o.o. – Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board,

From 2009 Timex S.A. – Member of the Supervisory Board.

Besides above mentioned, Mr Michał Szwonder hasn’t been the member of administrative, managing or supervising bodies, either partner of capital companies or partnerships at last 5 years.

According to applied statement, Mr. Zbigniew Piotr Janas:

• Doesn’t run a business beside Issuer company, which is of importance for Issuer, with the exception of non-competitive activity at POL-MOT HOLDING S.A..

• Isn’t entered into the Registry of Insolvent Debtors held by the Registry Court. The original text is available only in Polish.