
#Current report 35/2011

Current report 35/2011


Changing the form of the agreement with BRE Bank SA

Legal basis

Article 56 paragraph 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information

Contents of the report:

The Management Board of the Issuer announces that under the arrangements with the bank, at the request of the bank, at the cooperation agreement signed on November 24, 2011 between POL-MOT Warfama SA and the Bank BRE Bank SA with headquarters in Warsaw (Current Report 34/2011), were changed the product/credit agreements, replacing two of the credit agreement in the current account - a credit agreement in the current account in PLN to a maximum amount to PLN 5,000,000 and contract overdraft in euro to a maximum amount of EUR 600,000.00 - by a multicurrency credit agreement in the current account to the maximum amount of PLN 8,000,000.00.

Other terms of the Cooperation Agreement No. 05/174/11/Z/PX and credit agreements described in Current Report 34/2011 has not changed. The maximum total amount of credit granted in the current account has not changed and is 14 million PLN.

Described changewas requested by the bank due to the existing accounting system in this bank.