
#Current report 37/2009


Selection of an entity authorized to audit financial statements


Legal basis:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering


Contents of the report:

According to the § 5 clause 1 point 19 and § 25 of the Regulation of the Finance Minister, dated 19th February of 2009 on current and periodic disclosures to be made by issuers of securities (Polish Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 33, item 259) the Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A. informs that on 3th of November of 2009, the Supervisory Board (pursuant to §26 point 19 of the Issuer’s Statutes and industry standards) passed a resolution whereby BDO Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw was selected to audit of 2009 Issuer’s financial statement.

BDO sp. z o.o. in Warsaw ul. Postępu 12, the former name BDO Numerica I

nternational Auditors & Consultants sp. z o.o. in Warsaw. Auditor accreditation: registered under number 3355 on the list of entities authorized to audit financial statements. POL-MOT Warfama S.A. availed of the services of BDO Sp. z o.o. with regard to the audit of financial statements of the POL-MOT Warfama for the financial year 2007 and first half of 2008.

Selection of an entity authorized to audit financial statements was within the scope permitted by law and internal policies aimed to ensure impartiality and independence of the auditor.