
#Current report 38/2009


Change in Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A.


Legal basis:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering


Contents of the report:

According to the § 5 clause 1 point 21, 22 and § 27 and § 28 of the Regulation of the Finance Minister, dated 19th February of 2009 on current and periodic disclosures to be made by issuers of securities (Polish Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 33, item 259) the Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A. informs that during meeting of the Supervisory Board on 20th of November of 2009, for personal reasons, Mr. Stanisław Kulas submitted his resignation from the post of the President of the Management Board of the Company. The Supervisory Board accepted this resignation and appointed Mr. Karol Zarajczyk as Vice-President of the Management Board.

The manning of the Management Board of Pol-Mot Warfama on 20.11.2009:

- the President of Management Board - Adam Dobieliński

- the Vice-President of Management Board – Karol Zarajczyk

- the Vice-President of Management Board – Stanisław Kulas

- the Member of the Management Board – Jan Wielgus

Changes in the Management Board came into force on 20.11.2009.


Curriculum Vitae of new Vice-President of Management Board – Karol Zarajczyk

Karol Zarajczyk graduated from Kozminski University in Warsaw (Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania im. L. Koźmińskiego) faculty: Finance and Banking (1999-2004), and postgraduate degree on: SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan (2006.10 – 2007.02) faculty: The Executive Training Programme (ETP); The School of Oriental and African Studies - University of London (2006.10 – 2007.02) faculty: The Executive Training Programme (ETP); SCIENCES PO Paris (2006.10 – 2007.02) faculty: The Executive Training Programme (ETP); Waseda University Tokyo Japan (2007.03 – 2007.11) faculty: The Executive Training Programme (ETP).

Mr Karol Zarajczyk finished also Finance Director course (03-06.2009) on the Polish Academy of Accountancy.



2009.02 – presently - Member of the Supervisory Board of Bioenergia Invest sp. z o.o.

2004.11 – presently - POL-MOT Holding S.A. – Financial Specialist;

2008.06 – 2009.11 - POL-MOT Warfama S.A. – Financial Director, Proxy;

2005.08 – 2008.05 - Ital-Mot Sp. z o.o. – Managing Director – Member of the Management Board.

Mr. Karol Zarajczyk doesn’t run a business in other competitive company, either isn’t partner of capital companies or partnerships.There have been no records concerning Mr. Karol Zarajczyk in the Registry of Insolvent Debtors, kept on the basis of the Act on the National Court Registry.