
#Current Report 4/2010 EBI system (Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies)


Changes in the By-laws of the General Meeting of the Shareholders of the POL-MOT Warfama S.A consolidated text


Legal Basis:

Other regulations


Contents of the report:


On the basis of the “Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies” point 2 in part I, the Management Board of POL-MOT Warfama presents the By-laws of the General Meeting of the Shareholders of the POL-MOT Warfama S.A consolidated text modified by Extraordinary General Meeting (January 22, 2010) in § 2, § 4, § 16 section 2 and§ 22.



By-laws of the General Meeting of the Shareholders of the POL-MOT Warfama S.A.