
#Current report 4/2011


Transformation of subsidiary


Legal basis:

Article 56 clause 1 point 1 Act on Public Offering - confidential


Contents of the report:


Issuer's Board of POL-MOT Warfama announces that on 31 January 2011 District Court in Olsztyn, Department VIII KRS registered Bioenergia Invest S.A. (joint stock company) in Dobre Miasto, which was created as a result of the transformation of Bioenergia Invest sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) in Dobre Miasto, a subsidiary of the Issuer. Before the transformation the Issuer held 51% (i.e. 4.140) shares of the company, worth 4.140.000 PLN, while in the transformed company the Issuer owns 51% (4.140.000) stocks worth a total of 4.140.000 PLN.


Bioenergia Invest S.A (joint stock company)in Dobre Miasto, a subsidiary of the Issuer, was registered under number KRS 0000377027.