
#Current report 42/2015

Current report no.  42/2015 


Acquisition of 8,9 million shares and increase of the share capital

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodical information


The Management Board of the Issuer informs that on the 10th November 2015:

  1. The Issuer offered the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw as an entitled entity  8 900 000 Subscription Warrants of Series 2 of the Company, used on the basis of the Resolution no. 8/2015 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the 7th October 2015,  entitling to acquire 8 900 000 (say: eight million nine hundred thousand) ordinary  bearer shares of series Q of the Company („Q Series shares”), of  nominal value 1 (one) PLN each share, at the issuance price of 2,50 PLN (say: two fifty) in the period indicated in the resolution.
  2. The company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw acquired the offered 8 900 000 Subscription Warrants of Series 2 of the Company and the Issuer provided the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw  with a registered global certificate for 8 900 000 Subscription Warrants of Series 2. of numbers from 00 000 001 to 08 900 000.
  3. The company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw  made a declaration  of the exercise of the right of acquisition of 8 900 000 shares of series Q of the company URSUS S.A. with the seat in Lublin. The above-mentioned shares have been fully paid up.
  4. In connection with the coverage by POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw of 8 900 000 ordinary bearer shares of series Q from no. 00000001 to no. 8900000 of the nominal value of 1 PLN (one PLN) each share, at the issuance price of 2,50 PLN (two fifty) each share, the Management Board of the Issuer issued 8.900.000 (eight million nine hundred thousand) shares of Q series to the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. with the seat in Warsaw and by the amount of 8 900 000 PLN the company’s share capital was increased.

On completion of the above, the company POL-MOT Holding S.A. holds 19 000 000 shares, which represents 37,94% of the total number of shares URSUS S.A. and entitles to 19 000 000 votes at the General Meeting of the Issuer, what represents 37,94% of the total number of votes at the general Meeting. The company POL-MOT Holding S.A. together with its subsidiary - the company Reo limited liability company Inwestycje S.K.A. holds 24 629 000 shares, which represents 49,18% of the total number of shares URSUS S.A. and entitles to 24 629 000 votes at the General Meeting of the Issuer, what represents 49,18% of the total number of votes.

After the above-mentioned operations, the share capital of URSUS S.A. is  50 080 000 PLN, is fully paid up and consists of 41 180 000 dematerialized shares and 8 900 000 shares in a certificated form, while takin into account the issuance of the shares of P series, in which all shares have been acquired and paid up, and whose registration by the Court the Company is waiting for, the share capital of URSUS S.A. is  54 180 000 PLN, is fully paid up and consists of 41 180 000 dematerialized shares and 13 000 000 shares in a certificated form.

After registration of the shares of P series the company POL-MOT HOLDING S.A. will hold still individually 19 000 000 shares of URSUS S.A., representing then 35,07% of the Issuer’s share capital, entitling to 19 000 000 votes at the General Meeting of the Issuer, which will represent 35,07% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting. The company POL-MOT Holding S.A. together with its subsidiary - the company Reo limited liability company Inwestycje S.K.A. will still hold 24 629 000 shares, which will represent 45,46% of the total number of shares URSUS S.A. and will entitle to 24 629 000 votes at the General Meeting of the Issuer, what will represent 45,46% of the total number of votes.