
#Current report 49/2015

Current report 49/2015    


Summary of P series shares issue by way of private subscription

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodical information


The Management Board of URSUS S.A.  hereby provides information about summary of the private subscription of P series ordinary bearer shares of the Company, the issuance of which was executed  on the basis of the resolution no. 6/2015 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the 7th October 2015.

1. P series shares were acquired through a private subscription which did not require drawing up the prospectus.

2. P series shares will be subject of the application for their admission to trading in the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

3. P series shares private subscription opening and closing date:

a) opening date: 3 November 2015

b) closing date: 6 November 2015

4. Number of P series shares subject to private subscription: not less than 1 share and not more than 4.100.000 shares, of the nominal value 1 PLN per share.

5. Reduction rate: due to the nature of subscription, the reduction did not occur.

6. Number of P series shares, which were offered within the private subscription:: 4.100.000 shares.

7. Number of shares acquired within the private subscription: 4.100.000  shares.

8. Price at which P series shares were acquired: 2,50 PLN per share.

9. Number of entities to whom the offer of P series shares acquisition by way of private subscription was addressed: 115

10. Number of entities who acquired P series shares by way of private subscription: 115

11. Due to the nature of the issue and the share capital increase, the Issuer did not conclude any underwriting agreement.

12. Date of allocation of shares: due to the nature of subscription, allocation did not occur:  shares purchase agreements were concluded from the 3rd November 2015 till the 6th  November 2015.

13. Total value of the conducted subscription, corresponding to the product of multiplying the number of P series shares offered and their issue price: 10.250.000 PLN.

14.Total costs included in the costs of issue amounted to 238.655,30 PLN, of which:

a) preparation and implementation of the offer: 212.655,30 PLN

b) underwriters’ fees, separately for each one: not applicable

c) drawing up the prospectus, including consultancy costs: not applicable

d) promotion of the offer: 26.000 PLN

Because of no final settlement of the costs of the issue,

Due to the fact that the final cost of the issue has not been made yet,  the amount of the costs of the issue was estimated and included in the costs of the issue in accordance with the best knowledge more detailed data will be presented in the annual financial statement for 2015. The total amount of costs related to the issue of P series shares will be booked to the accounts and recognized in the balance sheet as revaluation of the surplus of the share issue value over its nominal value, i.e. it will  reduce the supplementary capital of the Company.

15. Average costs of private subscription per P series share: 0,06 PLN.

The legal basis of the present report is §33 sec.1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 regarding current and interim reports published by issuers of securities and the terms of finding as equivalent the information required under the laws of any non-member state (Journal of Laws, 2009 No 33, point 259 with subsequent changes).