
#Current report 6/2013


Current Report 6/2013


Resignation of the Member of URSUS S.A. Supervisory Board  

Legal basis:

Article 56 paragraph 1 item 2 of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information

Contents of the report:

The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby informs, that on March 1, 2013 the Company received a resignation of Mr. Paweł Gilewski from membership on the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the company URSUS S.A. as of March 1, 2013. Written declaration of Mr. Paweł Gilewski is dated March 28, 2013

The legal basis:

Pursuant to § 5 section 1 point 21 of the Minister of Finance Regulation of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic reporting by issuers of securities and the rules of equal treatment of the information required by the laws of non-member states (Journal of Laws of 2009 No. 33, item 259, later amended).