
#Current report 6/2014

Current report 6/2014                                                                                                               


Conclusion of cooperation agreement with the Military University of Technology and FON SKB

Legal basis:

Art. 56 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering – confidential information


The Management Board of URSUS S.A. hereby informs that on the 5th March 2014 the Issuer concluded an agreement with the Military University of Technology and the Driving Axles Plant – SKB sp. z o.o. S.K.A. with the seat in Radomsko, extending the cooperation pursued till now by URSUS S.A. and the Military University of Technology.

The aim of the concluded agreement is extension of the previous cooperation of the parties, mainly in the scope of:  

1) development and transfer of technology in programs of modern agricultural equipment,  meeting the needs of the modern agriculture, with particular focus on wheeled and tracked vehicles, including  unmanned units;

2) common consultancy, expert advice, participation of the parties‘ employees in works related to development of new solutions for agricultural equipment, including manned and unmanned platforms;  

3) development of procedures, research techniques and know-how in the filed of modern construction materials, including composite materials and constructions built with their use in agricultural machines and equipment;

4) carrying out research works, including reserach, development and targeted projects, theoretical research, bench and operational tests, in particular retaled to new solutions of manned and unmanned platforms, drive chains and power trains, automatization of steering process and technology  of remote operation of unmanned platforms;

5) academic and didactic cooperation, including: experience exchange by providing access to reference materals from the parties‘ resources, in complance with the apllicable laws, as well as cooperation in improvement of professional qualifications of the scientific personnel, mutual exchange and providing access to educational materials, laboratories and didactic equipment,  organization of common consultations, symposiums, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and specialaized trainings, cooperation in publication activities, joint aplying for financial resources  for implementation of planned undertakings and mutual support in their execution;

6) assuring mutual opportunities of trainings and students‘ apprenticeships, internships for employees and PhD students of WAT and the staff of URSUS S.A. the Driving Axles Plant – SKB.

Thanks to the concluded agreement and resulting from it cooperation of the parties, the Driving Axles Plant – SKB sp. z o.o. S.K.A and URSUS S.A. will be able to introduce commonly developed modern solutions in production of agricultural equipment, extend their offer with upgraded products and increase use of reasearch and development works in their activities.  Besides,  the Driving Axles Plant – SKB has one of the most modern iron casting plant in Poland, together with processing centers, what helps the parties to carry out the works within common research and development projects, mainly concerning transmission for agricultural tractors  of medium power range. 

The legal basis of transmission of this report is the art. 56 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies (of 28 June 2013, Journal of Laws of 2013, Item 1382 with subsequent changes).