
#Current report 9/2010


Changes in number of votes on the Annual General Meeting


Legal Act:

Article 56 clause 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering – Current and Interim Information


Contents of the report:


According to Art. 70 point 1 in connection with Art. 69 clause 1 point 2 in fine of the Regulation of public offerings of shares, conditions of turnover of financial instruments and public companies, dated on 29 July, 2009 (Polish Journal of Laws , No. 184, item 1539 with subsequent amendments) the Management Board of POL – MOT Warfama S.A. informs that the Union Investment TFI S.A. headquartered in Warsaw acts in UniFundusz FIO’s name (hereinafter called “Fund”) notified on March 23th, 2010 selling the Issuer’s shares, which exceed lower limit 5% of Fund’s stake in total amount of votes on the Annual General Meeting.


Before this transaction, on March 22th 2010 the Fund had 1.170.034 Issuer’s shares constituting 5,28% of capital and votes on the AGM. Nowadays the Fund owns 1.090.034 Issuers shares and thereby the same number of votes on the Annual General Meeting which presents 4,91% stake in initial capital and in total number of votes.