

10 - 04 - 2013

Representatives of the Ursus with the Polish Prime Minister in Nigeria

On 10-13 April, delegation of Ursus SA taking part in the official visit of the Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk in Nigeria. Visit of the representatives of Ursus in Nigeria is a continuation of strategy adopted by the Management Board of the company for rebuilding of the old export markets. From the point of view of the company is all the more important, that Nigeria has historically been one of the biggest recipients of Ursus tractors and the brand in this country is very well renowned and recognized.

On 10-13 April, delegation of Ursus SA taking part in the official visit of the Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk in Nigeria. Visit of the representatives of Ursus in Nigeria is a continuation of strategy adopted by the Management Board of the company for rebuilding of the old export markets. From the point of view of the company is all the more important, that Nigeria has historically been one of the biggest recipients of Ursus tractors and the brand in this country is very well renowned and recognized.

Nigeria is one of the most developed countries of West Africa; it’s a huge and growing from year to year market, where are present among others Chinese, Germans, Russians and Americans. In the years 2001-2010, Nigeria was the fourth fastest growing economy in the world, with an average of 8.9 percent GDP per year.

The basis of the Nigerian economy is the mining. The oil export is the main source of the national income of the country. An important part of the Nigerian economy is the production of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Nigeria imports mainly machinery, chemicals, transport equipment, manufactured goods and food. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish exports to Nigeria in 2011 reached EUR 63.8 million, and imports  EUR 16.9 million. In 2012, the company Ursus SA exported to Nigeria more than 100 tractors.