

13 - 05 - 2013

URSUS Rally Team in the Nadwiślański Rally

With some problems –  however – the finish line of the Nadwiślański Rally has been reached! With sunny weather, on Sunday 11th May 50 teams started the ride in the Nadwiślański Rally. There were among them Paweł Suchorzebski and Darek Gurdziołek in Ford Fiesta R2. For the team of URSUS Rally Team it has been the second elimination of the Polish Cup Rally.


With some problems –  however – the finish line of the Nadwiślański Rally has been reached! With sunny weather, on Sunday 11th May 50 teams started the ride in the Nadwiślański Rally. There were among them Paweł Suchorzebski and Darek Gurdziołek in Ford Fiesta R2. For the team of URSUS Rally Team it has been the second elimination of the Polish Cup Rally. The first lap composed of three special stages was an excellent ride of our team. Paweł and Darek reached times closed  to 4-5th positions.  Such results allowed to look with optimism at the second lap. Unfortunately, little but  burdensome break-down didn’t allow to drive with requested speed.  Despite struggle with the car and loss of more than 2 minutes, our team reached the finish line on 12th position in the general classification of the Polish Cup Rally and  on 3rd position in the class 6.
Now we will have a little break, in two weeks we go to Wisła to take part in the next stage of the Rally.

Cross your fingers for us!